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Find The Best Match For Your Collection

Whether you are looking for pure physical or NFTs artworks or you would love them both, feel the connection with the art on your wall & get inspired by the artist’s story.

We Love Art &

We Love Collectors

For this reason we offer an innovative and safe way to experience the best of the digital & physical Art World. Discover our brand Blockchain technology, an easy to use solution that future-proofs your ownership with an exclusive personalized video realized by the artist for you.

We Love Art &
We Empower Collectors

As the Middle East’s leading art brand, we understand our collectors’ concerns about NFTs. While the The Physical & Digital Art Markets are completely disconnected, the revenue in the NFT segment is expected to keep growing as art collectors increasingly see its value through the lens of physical art.

That is why we are bridging physical art and NFTs by curating a quality collection in both worlds, allowing you to expand your collection from your living room to the metaverse.

Source: NFT – Worldwide | Statista Market Foreca

Which are the benefits of enriching physical art on the blockchain?

Blockchain’s growing relevance is transforming the way collectors purchase and own art,  creating new opportunities for artists and buyers.


Blockchain enables a secure and tamper-proof record of ownership: collectors and investors can have confidence that the artwork they own is authentic and that its ownership history can be traced back to its creation.


Blockchain increases confidence in the Art Market: it gives access to the history of ownership and it shows the price that the artwork has sold for in the past, allowing buyers and sellers to make more informed decisions.


Blockchain reduces the risk of fraud and theft: ownership records make it more difficult for criminals to steal or forge artwork, as they cannot be duplicated or altered without all stakeholders being instantly notified.

Through swirling delicate gestural movements, the painting unfolds on the canvas, as a contemporary revisitation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Virgins on the Rock”. It perfectly highlights how the work of the best masters of all the times can inspire new practices bringing the Art World one step in the future - from figuration to abstraction, from physical to digital.

A Woman With No Face, 2021
Geert Heribaut
50 x 70 cm

NFTs & Fine Art: Our Solution